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talk to you later_talk to 快播报

来源:互联网    时间:2023-03-19 19:12:38


1、talk to sb1.找…谈话;对…说话: 1)The teacher talked to his students individually.老师找学生们个别谈话。

2、2)He talked to me about the present situation.他跟我谈了当前的形势。

3、2.[口语]训斥,责备,对…直言不讳: 1)She talked to the pupil about his grammar mistakes.她找学生谈话,批评他犯语法错误。

4、2)I must talk to him about his rough behaviour.我得好好说说他的粗野行为。

5、希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~。


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