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Huaqiao Park reclaims its old charm!

来源:羊城派    时间:2023-04-23 05:07:41

Huaqiao Park, built in 1997, is a cultural park dedicated to the overseas Chinese of Chaoshan. It is one of the largest and finest theme parks in Shantou and has been an ideal place to entertain and refresh local citizens.


In recent years, the renovation has given the park a new lease of life, reviving its old charm. Here, you can stroll freely, indulging in the profusion of flowers.You can lie on the grass, appreciating the wind towers of the Bay Tunnel and fluttering coconut trees. You can also enjoy the gentle touch of moist wind, seeing the typical southern scenery slowly unfolding before your eyes. #citylife



近年来,经过修缮的华侨公园焕发新生。漫步在华侨公园内,花草缤纷、老少咸宜。在公园的休憩草坪上眺望,不远处的海湾隧道风塔与迎风摇曳的椰子树相映成趣,当带着湿气的海风迎面而来,一片南国风光便在眼前缓缓铺开。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)



文|曾柯权 赵映光


来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 | 王瑜瑛

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